Pristimantis cedros. Image credit: Morley Read

The reserve is also home to numerous species of amphibians which are often seen but usually move quickly away. Many of these species are rare and endangered. For example, the reserve has a rainfrog that is only known from Los Cedros, Pristimantis cedros and another that is only known from Los Cedros and one other locality, Pristimantis mutabilis.

List of Amphibian Species at Los Cedros

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Ecuador Red list
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Los Cedros Record
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KBA trigger?
Updated 31MAy2021
at Manduriacu? Boana picturata Imbabura Tree Frog Rana Chachi NT LC no 0 - 1400 16Apr2021 m
Bolitoglossa chica (aff) Hotel Zaracay Salamander Salamandra chica CR CR no 250-1650 specimen QCAZ32300 13Jan2021 KBA trigger Bolitoglossa sp. nov. CCS1, sima group Salamandra NE NE endemic Hervas Sotomayor F. 2016. Cryptic diversity and biogeography of South American salamanders. MSc., Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Quito, Ecuador. never KBA trigger for B. sima, our new species is in that group m Espadarana prosoblepon Nicaragua Giant Glass Frog Rana de cristal variable LC LC no 0 - 1500 specimen: 04Sept2019 KBA trigger m
Hyalinobatrachium nouns Noun's glassfrog Rana de Cristal de Nouns EN (recommended) EN (recommended) endemic Holotype. MZUTI 3299, never Type from Los Cedros m Hyalinobatrachium valerioi La Palma glass frog Rana de cristal reticulata EN LC endemic 1229-1420 04Sept2019 Hyloscirtus alytolylax Tandapi treefrog Rana de torrente de Tandapi NT LC no 400 - 2000 Guayasamin JM, Krynak T, Krynak K, Culebras J, Hutter CR. 2015. Phenotypic plasticity raises questions for taxonomically important traits: a remarkable new Andean rainfrog (Pristimantis) with the ability to change skin texture. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 173(4): 913-928. 16Dec2020 m Noblella worleyae Worley's leaf frog DD NE Specimen never m Osornophryne occidentalis Western Andean Plump Toad Osornosapo EN EN endemic? 2500-2750 17Mar2021 Pristimantis achatinus Cachabi Robber Frog Cutín común de occidente LC LC no 0 - 2330 specimen: 13Sept2017 m Pristimantis appendiculatus Pinocchio Rainfrog Cutín Pinocho NT VU no 1460 - 2800 specimen 6Apr2021 KBA trigger m Pristimantis cedros Los Cedros Rainfrog Cutín de Los Cedros EN EN endemic 1583 - 1880 Hutter CR, Guayasamin JM. 2015. Cryptic diversity concealed in the Andean cloud forests: two new species of rainfrogs (Pristimantis) uncovered by molecular and bioacoustic data. Neotropical Biodiversity 1(1): 36-59. 18July2016 Type from Los Cedros; IUCN status to be updated to EN in Dec 2020 m Pristimantis crenunguis Spring rainfrog Cutín gigante EN VU endemic 600 - 2000 Hutter CR, Guayasamin JM. 2015. Cryptic diversity concealed in the Andean cloud forests: two new species of rainfrogs (Pristimantis) uncovered by molecular and bioacoustic data. Neotropical Biodiversity 1(1): 36-59. 16Jun2021 KBA trigger m Pristimantis crucifer Blue-thighed rainfrog Cutín del Porvenir VU NT endemic 1200 - 1800 Specimen: 5May2021 KBA trigger m
Pristimantis eugeniae Eugenia's rainfrog Cutín de Eugenia EN EN endemic 1700 - 2010 5Oct2020 KBA trigger m Pristimantis hectus Dwarf Robber Frog Cutín pequeño de Nariño EN VU no 1200-1780 4Oct2018 KBA trigger Pristimantis labiosus Labiated Rainfrog Cutín trompudo NT LC no 150 - 1500 7Apr2021 KBA trigger m
Pristimantis laticlavius Bacon rainfrog Cutín de franjas amarillas VU VU no 1200–2565 Arteaga A, Pyron RA, Penafiel N, Romero-Barreto P, Culebras J, Bustamante L, Yanez-Munoz MH, Guayasamin JM. 2016. Comparative phylogeography reveals cryptic diversity and repeated patterns of cladogenesis for amphibians and reptiles in northwestern Ecuador. Plos One 11(4). and specimen: 4Oct2018 KBA trigger m
Pristimantis latidiscus Cutín del Chocó LC LC no 0 - 1230 Specimen: 14Apr2021 KBA trigger m Pristimantis luteolateralis Yellow-groined rainfrog Cutín de Tandapi NT NT endemic 1140 - 1960 Hutter CR, Guayasamin JM. 2015. Cryptic diversity concealed in the Andean cloud forests: two new species of rainfrogs (Pristimantis) uncovered by molecular and bioacoustic data. Neotropical Biodiversity 1(1): 36-59. 13Jan2021 KBA trigger m Pristimantis mindo Cutín de Mindo EN EN endemic 1243 - 1790 Arteaga A, Yánez-Muñoz M, Guayasamin JM 2013. A new frog of the Pristimantis lacrimosus group (Anura: Craugastoridae) from the montane forests of northwestern Ecuador. In: Arteaga A, Yánez-Muñoz M, Guayasamin JM eds. The amphibians and reptiles of Mindo life in the cloudforest. Quito: Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica, 198-210.
; Hutter CR, Guayasamin JM. 2015. Cryptic diversity concealed in the Andean cloud forests: two new species of rainfrogs (Pristimantis) uncovered by molecular and bioacoustic data. Neotropical Biodiversity 1(1): 36-59.
14Apr2021 m
Pristimantis muricatus Cutín del río Faisanes Rio Faisanes Robber Frog VU VU endemic 220 -1380 specimen 12May2021 KBA trigger m Pristimantis mutabilis Mutable Rainfrog Cutín Mutable EN EN endemic 1850 -2063 Guayasamin JM, Rivera-Correa M, Arteaga A, Culebras J, Bustamante L, Pyron RA, Peñafiel N, Morochz C, Hutter CR. 2015. Molecular phylogeny of stream treefrogs (Hylidae: Hyloscirtus bogotensis Group), with a new species from the Andes of Ecuador. Neotropical Biodiversity 1(1): 2-21. 20Aug2015 Type from Los Cedros m Pristimantis parvillus Minute Rainfrog Cutín de Pichincha EN EN no 20 - 2000 Hutter CR, Guayasamin JM. 2015. Cryptic diversity concealed in the Andean cloud forests: two new species of rainfrogs (Pristimantis) uncovered by molecular and bioacoustic data. Neotropical Biodiversity 1(1): 36-59. 14Apr2021 m Pristimantis pteridophilus Fern-loving rainfrog Cutín amahelechos EN EN endemic 1500-2710 30Apr2004 KBA trigger m
Pristimantis sp. nov. NE NE Specimen: never
Pristimantis verecundus Zacualtipan Robber Frog Cutín de Zacualtipan VU NT no 900 - 2020 Specimen QCAZA31245, 18July2016 KBA trigger m
Sachatamia orejuela Rana de cristal de Orejuela EN LC no 50 - 1250 03July2018 KBA trigger m